Research papers
Integral Duality and the structure of Tate Cohomology Rings (PhD thesis)
Antonio Bellezza - 2002Download the latest version of the Thesis Integral Duality and the structure of Tate Cohomology Rings.
You can also download the software for Tate cohomology computation developed for the thesis.
Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems
Antonio Bellezza - 2001Some attacks on cryptographic systems exploit the leakage of information through so-called "side channels", such as power consumption or time employed by a computation. For cryptosystems involving an exponentiation, a few possible countermeasures are suggested.
In the case of elliptic curves over a binary finite field, we show how to split point addition into two blocks which, through the addition of a little overhead, can be made undistinguishable from a point doubling. This allows the whole exponentiation process to be performed as a sequence of homogeneous steps.
To add some randomization to the exponentiation process in the ECC case, we suggest the use of points of small order, computed on the fly. This presents some disadvantages over known methods, but allows to avoid the storage of points in non-volatile RAM.
A multiplicative variation of "additive exponent blinding" is suggested. This involves a two-phase exponentiation and is valid both for discrete log and RSA settings.
Computer experiments implementing some of these ideas are described and analyzed.
You can download the latest version of the paper (November 23, 2001) in PS format or PDF format.
Technical papers
Geometric partitioning: a Mathematician's approach to disk partitioning
Antonio Bellezza - 2003A short essay on disk-partitioning using geometric progressions.